Cylc 8.1.x Release Announcements

We are pleased to announce the release of Cylc 8.1.0!

This release includes several new features including:

  • A new “log” view in the GUI for viewing workflow/job logs.
  • A new “graph” view in the GUI for viewing tasks and dependencies.
  • Command line shortcuts for the common “validate-install-play” and “validate-reinstall-(reload|restart)” working patterns.
  • Broadcast edit (a replacement for the Cylc 7 trigger-edit) in the GUI.

As well as many general usability improvements.


Please post questions on migration from Cylc 7 (and Rose 2019) to Cylc 8, or related topics, in the Cylc 8 Migration category on this forum.


We will announce bugfix releases for the 8.1 series here as they are made.


We have released cylc-flow 8.1.1

This contains a few bugfixes including:

  • Improvements to Cylc’s scaling performance for workflows with many-to-many edges.
  • Support for the --run-name option in cylc vip.
  • Issues with validating Cylc 7 workflows using Cylc 8.

For a full summary see the changelog.

How to update site installations

Sites should create a new Cylc environment and manage parallel installations using the provided wrapper script.

How to update stand-alone installations

# First shut down running workflows:
cylc stop '*'

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update cylc-flow=8.1

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'cylc-flow==8.1.*' --upgrade
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We have release metomi-rose 2.0.3

This contains two bugfixes for:

  • An issue where the rose date command can fail in integer cycling Cylc workflows.
  • A bug in rose macro which caused validation errors.

For a full summary see the changelog

How to update site installations

Sites should create a new Cylc environment and manage parallel installations using the provided wrapper script.

How to update stand-alone installations

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'metomi-rose=2.0'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'metomi-rose==2.0.*' --upgrade
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We have released cylc-flow 8.1.2 and cylc-uiserver 1.2.1

These contain a few bugfixes including:

  • Issues where tasks were missing in the GUI for workflows with nested families, especially where inherit = None is used.
  • Additional rules for the Cylc linter.
  • Fixes and improvements to task filtering in the GUI

For a full summary see the changelogs:

Special Note

Workflows running with Cylc 8.1.1 or lower may display incorrectly with the new version of the GUI (cylc-uiserver 1.2.1). This is due to an unfortunate bug which we were unable to provide back-compatibility for. If you are using the GUI to view workflows running at different Cylc versions we strongly advise restarting workflows with Cylc 8.1.2 to avoid any issues.

How to update site installations

Sites should create a new Cylc environment and manage parallel installations using the provided wrapper script.

How to update stand-alone installations

# First shut down running workflows:
cylc stop '*'

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'cylc-flow=8.1' 'cylc-uiserver=1.2'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'cylc-flow==8.1.*' 'cylc-uiserver--1.2.*' --upgrade
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We have released metomi-rose 2.0.4

This includes a bugfix which could cause issues with file installation due to high concurrency of rsync processes. This error presents as an SSH issue.

How to update stand-alone installations

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'metomi-rose=2.0'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'metomi-rose==2.0.*' --upgrade

We have released cylc-flow 8.1.3 and cylc-uiserver 1.2.2

These include several bugfixes including:

  • Fix an issue where a scheduler could crash on restart or reload if changes were made to the prerequisites of an active task.
  • Fix an issue where prerequisite tasks could appear in the wrong cycle in the gui.
  • Efficiency improvements for workflows which spawn large numbers of tasks.

The cylc-ui has been updated from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0 which has an improved log view.

For a full summary see the changelogs:

How to update stand-alone installations

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'cylc-flow=8.1' 'cylc-uiserver=1.2'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'cylc-flow==8.1.*' 'cylc-uiserver==1.2.*' --upgrade
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We have released cylc-flow 8.1.4

This fixes an issue accidentally added in Cylc 8.1.3 with the legacy Cylc 7 host configuration, [runtime][<namespace>][remote]host, when used in combination with subshell evaluation e.g. $(rose host-select) which caused the subshell to evaluate as localhost in all circumstances.

            host = $( rose host-select )

The Cylc 8 equivalent [runtime][<namespace>]platform continues to work correctly at Cylc 8.1.3.

Cylc 8.1.4 also makes more log files available to the GUI in certain situations.

How to update site installations

Sites should create a new Cylc environment and manage parallel installations using the provided wrapper script.

How to update stand-alone installations

# First shut down running workflows:
cylc stop '*'

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'cylc-flow=8.1'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'cylc-flow==8.1.*'

Cylc 8.2.0 has been released (Announcement here). Cylc 8.1.x workflows should be upgraded.