Https messaging fails, communication error between HPC and cylc hosts


Ok, lots going on here, lets start looking at local comms and get that sorted before moving on to remote issues.

The following error from the GUI is curious:

To locate a running suite Cylc uses the contact file (located in ~/cylc-run/<suite>/.service/contact).

This message suggests that CYLC_SUITE_HOST is set to localhost in that file which, if true, is likely the issue. I would expect this to be set to the FQDN for that host (i.e. hostname -f).

Could you check the contact file of a running suite to see what CYLC_SUITE_HOST is set to as it could be to do with host self-identification. Also check the output of hostname and hostname -f.

Typically these two should match:

$ hostname
$ python2 -c 'import socket; print socket.gethostname()'

As should these two:

$ hostname -f
$ python2 -c 'import socket; print socket.getfqdn()'
