Thanks a lot for the info, very helpful.
I’ve subsequently realised that (I think) the solution should be even simpler than this.
This is the bit of the site
file which I have inherited…
[[[ 0101T/P1Y ]]]
graph = """
postproc{{ '_atmos' if SPLIT_PP else '' }}[-{{FMT}}] => retrieve_ozone => redistribute_ozone => coupled & rose_arch_ozone
So this modifies the graph in the suite.rc
only on cycle points that start on January 1st. In this suite the resubmission period is 3 months.
Referring back to the other ticket and specifically Oliver Saunders’ reply I think all I need to do is this…
[[[ 0101T/P1Y!^ ]]]
graph = """
postproc{{ '_atmos' if SPLIT_PP else '' }}[-{{FMT}}] => retrieve_ozone => redistribute_ozone => coupled & rose_arch_ozone
… where !
is ‘not equal to’ and ^
is the first cycle point.
Let me know if you disagree!