Compatability mode and remote symlink dirs


On our HPC (ARCHER2) the batch nodes can’t see the /home file system. Therefore we symlink the cylc-run directories to $DATADIR (the user’s space on /work that the batch nodes can see).

In Cylc 7 we did this through Rose, with:


And in Cylc 8 we use:

    [[symlink dirs]]
            run = $DATADIR

However if running with Cylc 8 in compatability mode, it does not create any symlinks. Not sure whether this is how it’s supposed to work, or something has gone wrong? Is there a different way to do this in compatability mode?

Thanks for your help,


Cylc 8 should create the same symlinks whether the workflow being run is in compatibility mode or not.

Note that remote file installation doesn’t happen until the first task is submitted to the remote platform.

It might be worth trying a new workflow run (i.e. create a new installation of the workflow with a different run number or workflow name) as Cylc won’t attempt to create the symlinks if the directories are already present, so a previous installation that wasn’t correctly cleaned up could cause links not to be created.

If that doesn’t help, try looking at the remote installation logs which are found in $HOME/cylc-run/<workflow-id>/log/remote-install on the filesystem where the workflow was started.


Hi Oliver,

Thanks for confirming how it’s supposed to work.

I am definitely clearing out the workflow cylc-run directory each time. However I did notice that it works OK for a simple test, so it must be something about this particular workflow.

I will take a look at the logs and see if I can figure out what is going on.



Hi Oliver,

After bit of digging it seems to be this issue here - nothing to do with compatability mode as such:
