I’m trying to configure cylc hub on a test server and am running into issues setting up a site configuration file.
It works fine if I put the config file at ~root/.cylc/uiserver/jupyter_config.py but if I move it to the default site location, as per the documentation: /etc/cylc/uiserver/jupyter_config.py it is ignored. I’ve tried setting CYLC_SITE_CONF_PATH but that didn’t help. Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?
cylc-vm$ cylc hub --version
cylc-vm$ ls -l /etc/cylc/uiserver/jupyter_config.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 98580 Jan 21 15:03 /etc/cylc/uiserver/jupyter_config.py
I’m not sure how much I can say without knowing more about your system (I tried it on mine and it was fine), but looking at the code the one thing that would definitely disable /etc/cylc/uiserver as a source path for the config is having $CYLC_SITE_CONF_PATH set.
I’d try:
Check you .bashrc and .bash_profile aren’t setting CYLC_SITE_CONF_PATH
Thanks. No joy I’m afraid. The machine is just a standard JASMIN external VM with the default Rocky-9 image.
As I appear to have a workaround, by putting the jupyter_config.py file in the root home directory and this is only a test machine, I’ll leave it for now and if I encounter it again when I configure the hub on PUMA2 I’ll come back.
Finally dawned on me what’s going on and have sorted this out now.
FWIW I had airlifted our live server cylc configuration files and hadn’t appreciated our cylc wrapper script was setting CYLC_SITE_CONF_PATH elsewhere.