hi there,
if i run cylc clean
on the most recent instance of a workflow then i’ve noticed that the symbolic link called runN
is not recreated after the clean and this seems to cause an error.
for example…
> cylc vip
[launches run1]
> cylc vip
[launches run2]
> cylc stop -k foo/run2
> cylc clean -y foo/run2
> cylc log foo
InputError: max rotation -1
shouldn’t the runN
sym link in ~/cylc-run/foo be recreated and point to run1
Hmm, it’s debatable whether the runN symlink should be recreated if you nuke the latest run. It’s probably safest for Cylc not to assume anything there.
However, trying to use the link (i.e., by not being explicit with the workflow ID) should not result in that error! Would you mind posting an issue on the cylc-flow repository @jonnyhtw ?
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yeah i was wondering where this was ‘expected’ or not!
will open the issue now @hilary.j.oliver
Hmm, it’s debatable whether the runN symlink should be recreated if you nuke the latest run.
Yep, the current behaviour was the intended behaviour. If you create a new installation, then the runN
will be re-created, but it will not be re-routed to point at an older installation.
We could do with a nicer error message for cat-log
in the situation where no log files are found than max rotation -1
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ok thanks @oliver.sanders, good to know. 