Excluding future tasks past the end point on the graph

As explained in Scheduling Configuration - Future Triggers,

Future triggers present a problem at workflow shutdown rather than at start-up. (…) Consequently Cylc prevents tasks from spawning successors that depend on other tasks beyond the final point.

However, those future tasks are drawn in cylc graph. As I often use the graph to make sure my flow has no dangling tasks (e.g. because of a bad coherence between the different cycling periods and start/end points), this is unfortunate.

Is there an option to hide tasks beyond the final point in the graph (since they aren’t executed by the scheduler anwyays) ?

Basic example:

    allow implicit tasks = True
    cycling mode = integer
    initial cycle point = 1
    final cycle point = 5
        P2 = task[-P2] => task
        P2 = task[+P2] => clean


Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like there is an option to do this, but you can specify the cycle range to the cylc graph command directly e.g:

# draw the graph between cycles 1 and 5
$ cylc graph <id> 1 5

These tasks probably shouldn’t be showing in cylc graph in the first place,I’ll open an issue to look into this.

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That’s the fun part, even if I do that the future task shows ^^

Makes sense, opened cylc graph: tasks drawn beyond the final cycle point · Issue #5984 · cylc/cylc-flow · GitHub

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