Final Cylc 7 Release Announcements

Another final Cylc 7 release is now available from GitHub.

Cylc-7.9.8 and cylc-7.8.13 are identical except that 7.9.8 bundles a newer version of Jinja2 that requires Python 2.7.


  • More Cylc 8 compat for cylc review

cylc-7.9.8 changes
cylc-7.8.13 changes

Another final Cylc 7 release is now available from GitHub.

This release fixes several bugs, and allows the Cylc 7 suite-state command and xtriggers to read Cylc 8 databases. This forward compatibility allows sites migrate to Cylc 8 one workflow at a time without breaking cross-workflow triggering.

cylc-7.9.9 changes - this is 7.8.14 with a newer Jinja2 version (requires Python 2.7+)
cylc-7.8.14 changes - this is 7.9.9 with an older Jinja2 version (if you’re stuck with Python 2.6)

NOTE: go straight to Cylc 8 (Python 3) now if possible.