Hi Hilary,
thank you very much for the detailed answer.
Unfortunately, I’m a newbie and may be that, misunderstanding Cylc installation and configuration guide, I made some mistakes.
Anyway, in order to be more clear (I hope…), I would like to describe how I deployed Cylc:
I created a virtual machine and I installed Cylc engine (Cylc VM should be used to create, manage and execute Cylc suites jobs/tasks on HPC cluster login nodes). I don’t know if it is the correct terminology, but we can say that “Cylc server” is running on the virtual machine;
I installed VNC server on the same virtual machine mentioned above in order to allow users to start, using a VNC client, the “cylc gui” (graphical mode) in a faster way;
I installed Cylc (let’s say Cylc client) on HPC cluster login nodes in order to be able to communicate with Cylc VM;
Cylc VM mounts via NFS the HPC cluster shared filesystem containing users home directories (so, cylc-run, suites directory, etc… can be seen from both the systems);
Moreover, CylC VM (let’s say the “server”) and HPC cluster login node ( that in my mind should be the client
) have two IP addresses: one IP address for management network( and one IP address for “Cylc network” (
In particular:
1- Cylc users can log into the VM (via VPN) pointing to the IP address.
2- Cylc users can “run” the Cylc suites from Cylc VM pointing to IP address (HPC cluster login node)
3- Cylc tasks/jobs will be executed on HPC cluster login node (it is in charge of submitting the jobs on compute nodes by means of LSF scheduler).
Points 1, 2 and 3 are ok (from my point of view), but I noticed the "*** listening on https: login3(dot)cluster(dot)net:43063***” message.
Both on Cylc VM and login node, the /etc/hosts files contain the following lines: login3(dot)cluster(dot)net login3 zeus03 cylc
So, my question was: “Why, on HPC login node, Cylc is “using” IP address instead of “”!? How can I set the right IP!?”
In other words, I would prefer that all network traffic related to Cylc will be routed to “cylc network”.
So, I followed your suggestion and it did the trick:
[suite host self-identification]
method = hardwired
host =
Now, the "*** listening on https://login3.cluster.net:43063 ” message changed to " listening on https://zeus03:43063***”
[/opt/cylc] is a symbolic link to the real Cylc directory /opt/cylc-7.8.4
I followed the official installation guide instructions:
"To install Cylc, unpack the release tarball in the right location, e.g. /opt/cylc-7.8.2, type make inside the release directory, and set site defaults - if necessary - in a site global config file (below).
Make a symbolic link from cylc to the latest installed version: ln -s /opt/cylc-7.8.2 /opt/cylc"
But, if I made some mistake or if I misunderstood something, please, correct me!
Thank you very much for the time you spent to help me.
Best Regards,