Is cylc 8 able to interact with workflows launched on different hosts?

hi there,

i’m now able to use the cylc 8 gui on my personal laptop (mac) from home yay!

however, it looks like i can’t interact with it from another session on my work machine. for example, for the workflow u-cv956/run1, running on my work pc…

> cylc tui u-cv956/run1
[Errno -2] Name or service not known: 'maui02-eth5'
> cylc play u-cv956/run1
2023-04-11T22:46:26Z ERROR - Cannot determine whether workflow is running on maui02-eth5.
    /scale_wlg_persistent/filesets/opt_nesi/share/cylc/8.1.1/bin/python /opt/nesi/share/cylc/8.1.1/bin/cylc play --color=never --mode live
2023-04-11T22:46:26Z CRITICAL - Cannot tell if the workflow is running
    Note, Cylc 8 cannot restart Cylc 7 workflows.

screenshot when pressing the play button in the gui on my work machine

is this the expected behaviour?



Hi Jonny,

Cylc 8 can definitely interact with workflows running on different hosts.

I think what you mean here is “launched from different hosts”. What’s happening, I think, is when you start a workflow from the web UI, for some reason an invalid host name gets recorded in the scheduler “contact file”, which means command line tools on the back end will try to contact the scheduler at an invalid address.

I’ll need to investigate this.

In the meantime, take a look at ~/cylc-run/<WORKFLOW_ID>/.service/contact

It should contain (among other things) CYLC_WORKFLOW_HOST=maui (or possibly the fully qualified host name) but not maui-eth5. Try manually fixing the hostname in that file, it might restore access to the scheduler.

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Turns out this is a local networking issue - the node in question is self-identifying with a host name that’s not visible from other hosts.

I’ll contact @jonnyhtw via local channels…

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great thanks @hilary.j.oliver!