Marking Keys as Required in flow.cylc for Site-Specific Settings


Is it possible to mark a key in flow.cylc as “required” so that if it is not provided with a value, an error is raised during cylc validate/install?

The reason I need this is that while writing portable workflows, I want to mark some site-specific settings (like platform or certain environment variables) as “required.” This way, they must be overwritten by the site include file.

Thank you in advance for your help and suggestions!


You could either

  • Write checks into the flow.cylc file using Jinja2
  • Use Rose.

Jinja2 Checks

This may be neater, especially if you don’t want to add the Rose dependency or the checks are simple and you only have a few variables, but could quickly become a pain if you have lots of variables.

{% set platform_name = "actual_name" %}
# flow.cylc
{% set platform_name = "default" %}
%%include site.cylc

{{ assert(platform_name != "default", "Platform Name should be overridden") }}

# ...
        platform = {{platform_name}}
> cylc validate 
Jinja2Error: Jinja2 Assertion Error: Platform Name should be overridden

Use Rose

Rose allows you to create a file alongside your workflow containing configuration items:

# flow.cylc

        platform = {{PLATFORM}}
# rose-suite.conf
[template variables]

If you don’t put a value in the rose-suite.conf files you’ll get an error:

> cylc validate
Jinja2Error: 'platform_name' is undefined

Jinja2 in Cylc reference material

Rose Optional Configs

You could, using the latter store site specific settings in a file in opt: opt/rose-suite-sitename.conf and have an empty rose-suite.conf.

In this case the validation would fail if one did not validate & install the workflow with:

cylc validate --opt-conf-key sitename         # -O for short

Optional configs tutorial

Rose Metadata Validation

Alternatively you could use Rose metadata checking to carry out more complex checks on the values. See the tutorial on Rose metadata