Using arbitrary Python modules via Jinja2

Did you know you Cylc extends Jinja2’s import mechanism to allow direct use of arbitrary Python modules?

Here’s an example that creates tasks at start-up, to process each file in a directory:

$ ls /path/to/data/
cat  dog  fish
{# import Python's os module: #}
{% from "os" import listdir %}

{% set DATADIR = "/path/to/data" %}

[task parameters]  {# use os.listdir() #}
   id = {{ listdir(DATADIR) | join(", ") }}
      R1 = "prep => proc<id> => results"
      # ...
      script = """ {{DATADIR}}/${CYLC_TASK_PARAM_id}
      # ...

Result after Jinja2 processing (use cylc view -j):

[task parameters]
   id = fish, cat, dog
      R1 = "prep => proc<id> => results"
      # ...
      script = """ /path/to/data/${CYLC_TASK_PARAM_id}
      # ...

And (use cylc graph):

Documented here in the User Guide: Jinja2 — Cylc 8.1.4 documentation


If you have a workflow which would need to perform a lot of logic in Jinja2, you can use this import mechanism to implement the logic in Python. Python modules in a workflow’s lib/python directory are added to the path automatically.

Note that Jinja2 and any modules you import with it will run under the same Python environment that Cylc is installed under.

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