Altair Cylc event at SC19

Hi All,

Last year, Altair Engineering hosted a successful Cylc workshop at SC18 in Dallas, Texas.
This year, Altair will host a similar event alongside SC19 in Denver, Colorado. You can read about it and sign up here:

Cylc User Group Featuring the Altair Weather Solution (21 Nov. 11:30am-3:00pm)

(The web page is still being fleshed out, but the important details are up already).

I know it’s very late notice (sorry!) but if your organization uses Cylc, or is interested in Cylc, please consider coming along. This is a great opportunity to learn about use of Cylc at several major sites, plus Altair’s “Weather Solution” - which provides commercial support and additional infrastructure to help manage large production systems of many workflows (and even cross-scheduler triggering between Cylc and existing SMS suites).


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See also:

Cylc & Altair’s PBS Professional™ Power Weather Modeling at Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology

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