An "Awesome Cylc" listing cylc-related projects?


I’ve recently come across @hilary.j.oliver cylc-filedriven-example repository.
Given that I come from a bioinformatics background, it’s the type of ressources that I would have liked to find months ago when I started developing my workflow.

Something else I noticed, is the lack of standard workflows being shared on GitHub or elsewhere. I guess it has to do with workflows being tailored to a specific research project, and many implementations not being site-agnostic.
Without going as far as nf-core or the snakemake workflow catalog, a list of a few curated workflows following best practices would go a long way.

Projects that I think should be easier to find :

There are many ways to centralize these types of projects: you could do an External Resources section in the official documentation (and linking to it in the !), or an Awesome list of repos. In fact, I’m probably gonna do the later in a public repo :wink:


An “Awesome Cylc” list sounds like a good idea, we should collect ideas here (watch out for unmaintained projects, that cookiecutter one was just a proof of concept).

Some fundamental workflow implementation patterns are arriving in the docs at 8.3.0, preview here (more examples to come in due course):

Due to the user base of Cylc, at present there are few publicly visible workflows to point people at which is unfortunate. However, the times are changing and we may be able to encourage more projects to become public repos on GitHub in the near-mid future, so hopefully that will change soon.

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Some fundamental workflow implementation patterns are arriving in the docs at 8.3.0, preview here (more examples to come in due course):
Examples — Cylc documentation

That’s good to know. My workflow actually uses event driven cycling. But [[xtriggers]] pull instead of the [[special tasks]]external-trigger push described in the new tutorial.

Done. You can find it here. I’ve added you as a collaborator on the repo @oliver.sanders.