I’ve recently come across @hilary.j.oliver cylc-filedriven-example repository.
Given that I come from a bioinformatics background, it’s the type of ressources that I would have liked to find months ago when I started developing my workflow.
Something else I noticed, is the lack of standard workflows being shared on GitHub or elsewhere. I guess it has to do with workflows being tailored to a specific research project, and many implementations not being site-agnostic.
Without going as far as nf-core or the snakemake workflow catalog, a list of a few curated workflows following best practices would go a long way.
Projects that I think should be easier to find :
- Tim’s simple Cylc Examples
- Cylc Sphinx Extensions (official)
- Cylc Patterns
- Cylc Cookiecutter Recipe
- Cylc 8 Sub-workflow Example
- Cylc Geofabrics
- …
There are many ways to centralize these types of projects: you could do an External Resources section in the official documentation (and linking to it in the README.md !), or an Awesome list of repos. In fact, I’m probably gonna do the later in a public repo