"No matching platform" error using Cylc 8.3 and Rose

We’re seeing strange errors when running Rose suites with the latest versions of Cylc and Rose where Cylc can’t find configured platforms.

I’ve put up an example case at GitHub - ScottWales/cylc-platform-error with a conda environment definition, global config and sample workflow.

When we run this we get an error like:

ERROR - [jobs-submit cmd] (platform not defined)
    [jobs-submit ret_code] 1
    [jobs-submit err] No matching platform "dm" found

even though the platform is defined in the global config file.

Removing the rose-suite.conf file from the workflow configuration lets Cylc find the platform.

Removing the --debug from the launch command also fixes the issue, though some of our users see the issue when they’re not using --debug.

We see this on both NCI and our internal system.

I’ve managed to reproduce this locally using your setup (nicely encapsulated, thanks). Will investigate.

For tracking purposes, this is now an Issue in github.

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This should be fixed in 8.3.3 which has been released.

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