Cylc 8.0.0 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of Cylc 8.0.0!

For information on how to use Cylc 8, see:

The new cylc lint tool is useful in highlighting things you will need to change to upgrade Cylc 7 workflows (It also checks workflow configs for style).


Please post questions on migration from Cylc 7 (and Rose 2019) to Cylc 8, or related topics, in the Cylc 8 Migration category on this forum.


We will announce bugfix releases for the 8.0 series here as they are made.


We have released cylc-flow 8.0.1 which contains several bugfixes including:

  • Assorted issues related to the reloading of workflow.
  • Some improvements to the handling of auto restart.
  • Cylc clean can now remove the top level of the workflow run directory.

For a full summary of changes see the changelog.

# to update cylc-flow in a conda environment:
conda update cylc-flow=8.0

# to update cylc-flow in a pip environment:
pip install 'cylc-flow==8.*' --upgrade

We have released cylc-flow 8.0.2 which contains a few bugfixes including:

  • Support for rsync version 3.2.4 and later.
  • Support for web proxies for the tutorial workflows.
  • Fixed duplicate workflow stall events.

For a full summary see the changelog.

# to update cylc-flow in a conda environment:
conda update cylc-flow=8.0

# to update cylc-flow in a pip environment:
pip install 'cylc-flow==8.*' --upgrade

We have released Rose 2.0.1

This fixes a bug which prevented Rose from installing files from systems without Python 3.

For a full summary see the changelog.

We have released Cylc Rose 1.1.1 which contains bugfixes:

  • Fix bug where Cylc Rose did not ignore variables commented with !! or ! in rose-suite.conf files.
  • Fix bug where rose stem did not handle non-fcm version controlled workflow sources correctly.

For a full summary see the changelog.

How to update

In a conda environment:

conda update cylc-rose=1.1.1
conda update metomi-rose=2.0.1

In a pip environment:

pip install cylc-rose==1.* --upgrade
pip install metomi-rose==2.* --upgrade

We have released cylc-flow 8.0.3 which contains a few bugfixes including:

  • Fixes filtering tasks by state on the command line, e.g. triggering failed tasks.
  • Allow platform settings to be configured for scheduler hosts using localhost platform.
  • Fix spurious triggering from no-flow tasks.
  • Fix reload issues in compatibility mode.

For a full summary see the changelog:

# to update cylc-flow in a conda environment:
conda update cylc-flow=8.0

# to update cylc-flow in a pip environment:
pip install 'cylc-flow==8.*' --upgrade

We have released Rose 2.0.2

This fixes issues with the tutorial workflow.

For a full list of changes see the changelog.

How to update

In a conda environment:

conda update metomi-rose=2.0.2

In a pip environment:

pip install metomi-rose==2.0.* --upgrade

We have released Cylc 8.0.4

This contains a few bugfixes including:

  • A fix for an issue which could prevent jobs which were left running when the scheduler was restarted from being able to message back on completion.
  • Improved robustness with platform outages.
  • A fix for an issue in a tutorial.

For a full summary see the changelog.

How to update site installations

Sites should create a new Cylc environment and manage parallel installations using the provided wrapper script.

How to update stand-alone installations

# First shut down running workflows:
cylc stop '*'

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update cylc-flow=8.0

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'cylc-flow==8.*' --upgrade

We have now released Cylc 8.1.0.

The Cylc 8.0 series releases will now only receive critical bugfixes.