Xtrigger information in cylc show after it has passed

If you do cylc show on a task who has an xtrigger, and the xtrigger is satisfied, is it expected that it will show as + xtrigger " = " rather than the actual xtrigger information? I find it useful to be able to see the satisfied xtrigger command as it can have useful metadata in it.


other: ('-': not satisfied)                                                                                                                                                  
  - xtrigger "XTRIG = xrandom(25, 2, 20230405T1800Z)"   


other: ('-': not satisfied)                                                                                                                                                  
  + xtrigger " = " 

Looks like a bug, I’ve opened an issue on GitHub: `cylc show` does not show xtrigger information for satisfied xtriggers · Issue #5683 · cylc/cylc-flow · GitHub