If you use Cylc, please cite us in your publications.
A major peer-reviewed article on Cylc will soon be published in Computing in Science and Engineering. It can be cited already:
H. Oliver et al., “Workflow Automation for Cycling Systems: The Cylc Workflow Engine”, Computing in Science & Engineering Vol 21, Issue 4, July/Aug 2019. DOI: 10.1109/MCSE.2019.2906593
Publications will also be listed on the Cylc web site, at https://cylc.github.io/documentation.html#publications-citations-and-references
Hi All,
The Cylc paper in Computing in Science & Engineering is now officially published: DOI: 10.1109/MCSE.2019.2906593.
If you’re interested in the origins of Cylc, how it differs from other workflow managers, and future plans for the project, please take a look!
very much interested in reading this paper.
not interested in any form of ‘paywall’ be that for money or information, e.g., ‘register’, ‘sign up’.
can you provide a copy of the paper for review?
i/m interested in the the mathematical foundations of cylc, as i understand to be graph recurrences.
Hi Michael,
Sorry, I suspect that Computing in Science & Engineering would take a dim view of me posting the article freely online. If your workplace does not have a subscription to the journal, it doesn’t cost much to download a single article.
i had forgotten about that.
the scientific library just sent the paper after a visit to request yesterday.