Cylc 8.2.0 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of Cylc 8.2.0

Full details of new features can be found in the change logs.

Notable new features include:


Please post questions on migration from Cylc 7 (and Rose 2019) to Cylc 8, or related topics, in the Cylc 8 Migration category on this forum.


We will announce bugfix releases for the 8.2 series here as they are made.


We have released cylc-flow 8.2.1, this includes fixes for:

  • Tasks appearing in the wrong state in the GUI under certain circumstances.
  • cylc clean failing on remote hosts unless the --yes option is specified.

How to update site installations

Sites should create a new Cylc environment and manage parallel installations using the provided wrapper script.

How to update stand-alone installations

# First shut down running workflows:
cylc stop '*'

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'cylc-flow=8.2'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'cylc-flow==8.2.*'

We have released cylc-uiserver 1.3.1, this includes fixes for:

  • Better error information in the UI Server logs.
  • The ability to run workflows with the --upgrade option in the GUI (required to upgrade workflows to newer versions of cylc-flow).
  • Fixed an issue where statistics in the analysis view could be null.

How to update

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'cylc-uiserver=1.3.1'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'cylc-uiserver==1.3.*'

We have released cylc-uiserver 1.4.0.

This update upgrades cylc-uiserver to work with the most recent versions of Jupyter components, namely:

  • Jupyter Server v2.7+
  • Jupyter Hub v4.0+

This release offers some big improvements for sites looking to deploy the Cylc GUI with Jupyter Hub:

  • Users can now be authorised to start UI Servers on behalf of other users.
  • There is now a box in the top-left of the GUI for switching user / deployment.
  • The Cylc UI Server can now be deployed along with the latest versions of Jupyter Lab.

Upgrading an existing Jupyter Hub deployment to use cylc-uiserver requires some extra configuration due to the new authorisation frameworks in Jupyter Hub and Jupyter Server. For more information on how to set up a Jupyter Hub deployment with cylc-uiserver 1.4.0 see this page:

Jupyter Hub compatibility

(note this only applies to sites which wish to deploy cylc-uiserver using Jupyer Hub)

  • For cylc-flow 8.2.x, we will continue to maintain both cylc-uiserver 1.3.x and 1.4.x:
    • Use cylc-uiserver 1.3.x for Jupyter Hub 1.4 - 3
    • Use cylc-uiserver 1.4.x for Jupyter Hub 4.0+
  • From cylc-flow 8.3.0 onwards, Jupyter Hub 4.0+ will be required.

How to update

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'cylc-uiserver=1.4.0'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'cylc-uiserver==1.4.*'
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We have released cylc-flow 8.2.2 with fixes including:

  • Workflow-state xtriggers (and the cylc workflow-state command) can now work off Cylc 7 workflows
  • Fixed runahead limit at start-up for recurrences that start beyond the limit.
  • Fixed an issue where submit-failed tasks could be incorrectly considered as completed rather than causing the workflow to stall.

See the changelog for the full list.

How to update site installations

Sites should create a new Cylc environment and manage parallel installations using the provided wrapper script.

How to update stand-alone installations

# First shut down running workflows:
cylc stop '*'

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'cylc-flow=8.2'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'cylc-flow==8.2.*'

Cylc Rose 1.3.1 Released

Changelog entry.

The key bug-fix in this release is fixing a case where Rose Stem would write a [jinja2] section rather than a [jinja2:suite.rc] section.

Cylc 8.2.3 Released

We have released cylc-flow 8.2.3 and cylc-uiserver 1.4.1.

cylc-flow 8.2.3 important changes:

  • Improved scheduler performance for large workflows
  • Ensure that submit-failed tasks are marked as incomplete (so remain visible) when running in back-compat mode

See changelog for full list

cylc-uiserver 1.4.1 includes UI v2.2.0 with these important changes:

  • Fixed bugs where tasks could be left behind as running when they had actually finished
  • Single-child directories in the sidebar are now flattened to reduce visual clutter

See changelog for full list

How to update site installations

Sites should create a new Cylc environment and manage parallel installations using the provided wrapper script.

How to update stand-alone installations

# First shut down running workflows:
cylc stop '*'

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'cylc-flow=8.2'
conda update 'cylc-uiserver=1.4'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'cylc-flow==8.2.*'
pip install 'cylc-uiserver==1.4.*'

cylc-uiserver 1.4.3 released

This release contains bugfixes for playing workflows. See the changelog for details.

Note: If you installed version 1.4.2, please update to 1.4.3 promptly as 1.4.2 unfortunately contained a bug that broke the ability to play workflows (depending on your Cylc environment name).

This release also comes with UI v2.3.0 which fixes a bug in filtering workflows in the sidebar. See the changelog for details.

How to update

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'cylc-uiserver=1.4.3'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'cylc-uiserver==1.4.*'
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8.2.4 Released

We have released Cylc-Flow 8.2.4.

This release contains a number of bugfixes. For full details see the changelog.

Notable fixes include:

  • Improved the workflow runahead limit calculation.
  • Improved the efficiency of xtriggers.
  • Added a number of small improvements to Cylc Lint.

How to update site installations

Sites should create a new Cylc environment and manage parallel installations using the provided wrapper script.

How to update stand-alone installations

# First shut down running workflows:
cylc stop '*'

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'cylc-flow=8.2'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'cylc-flow==8.2.*'
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Cylc Rose 1.3.2 & Metomi Rose 2.2.0 Released

Release to allow a single change:

Rose now ignores PYTHONPATH to make it more robust to task environments which set this value. If you want to add to the Rose environment itself, e.g. to write a rose-ana test, use ROSE_PYTHONPATH.

Fuller details available from the changelog.

# First shut down running workflows:
cylc stop '*'

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'cylc-rose=1.3.2'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'cylc-rose==1.3.2'

Cylc 8.2.5 released

cylc-flow 8.2.5 contains several bugfixes. See the changelog for details.

cylc-uiserver 1.4.4 contains an important bugfix for an issue that limited the number of active workflows that could be tracked at the same time. See the changelog for details.

cylc-ui 2.4.0 contains several enhancements and bugfixes:

  • Workspace tab layout is now remembered and restored when navigating between workflows (in
    a single browser session; we are investigating saving layouts across browser sessions).
  • Usability improvements for the log view.
  • Performance improvements

See the changelog for details.

cylc-rose 1.3.3 contains a bugfix for fcm make and rose prune tasks. See the changelog for details.

How to update site installations

Sites should create a new Cylc environment and manage parallel installations using the provided wrapper script.

How to update stand-alone installations

# First shut down running workflows:
cylc stop '*'

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'cylc-flow=8.2'
conda update 'cylc-uiserver=1.4'
conda update 'cylc-rose=1.3'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'cylc-flow==8.2.*'
pip install 'cylc-uiserver==1.4.*'
pip install 'cylc-rose==1.3.*'