Cylc 8.3.0 Released

We are delighted to announce the release of Cylc 8.3.0.

This release contains a large number of new features and usability improvements. Some highlights:

  • The cylc set-outputs command has been replaced by cylc set which is more straight forward and intuitive to use.
  • The cylc tui utility is no longer a beta feature, it can keep up with fast moving workflows and supports monitoring all your workflows.
  • The GUI provides a button for changing the graph extent allowing you to control how much context the GUI shows you around the active tasks in your workflow.

For more information about the major changes, see the changes page in the documentation.

Further releases in the 8.3 series will be announced on this thread.


We have released cylc-flow 8.3.1

This fixes some minor issues including:

  • An issue where submit-failed jobs might not appear for tasks with submission retry delays configured.
  • A workaround for DNS issues on Mac OS.
  • An issue where Tui would fail to exit cleanly.

We have released cylc-flow 8.3.2

This includes a few more bugfixes:

  • Fixed bug where using flow numbers with cylc set would not work correctly.
  • Fixed bug where a stalled paused workflow would be incorrectly reported as running, not paused
  • Fixed the spawning of multiple parentless tasks off the same sequential wall-clock xtrigger.

How to update site installations

Sites should create a new environment for this release and manage parallel installations using the provided wrapper script.

How to update stand-alone installations

# First shut down running workflows:
cylc stop '*'

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'cylc-flow=8.3.2'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'cylc-flow==8.3.2'

We have released metomi-rose 2.3.1

This release fixes an issue where the template variables section of the rose-suite.conf file (the replacement for the deprecated jinja2:suite.rc section) did not work properly with some Rose metadata items.

How to update site installations

Sites should create a new environment for this release and manage parallel installations using the provided wrapper script.

How to update stand-alone installations

# First shut down running workflows:
cylc stop '*'

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'metomi-rose=2.3.1'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'metomi-rose=2.3.1'

We have released cylc-flow 8.3.3

(and Cylc-Rose 1.4.1)

This includes a few more bugfixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused “platform not defined” errors when running workflows that contained a “rose-suite.conf” file in verbose or debug mode.
  • Fixed bug where the -S, -O and -D options in cylc vr would not be applied correctly when restarting a workflow.

How to update site installations

Sites should create a new environment for this release and manage parallel installations using the provided wrapper script.

How to update stand-alone installations

# First shut down running workflows:
cylc stop '*'

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'cylc-flow=8.3.2'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'cylc-flow==8.3.2'

We have released cylc-flow 8.3.4

(release may take a couple of hours to appear on conda-forge)

This includes several bugfixes including:

  • Prevent duplicate job submissions.
  • Prevent clock-expired tasks from being re-submitted by execution retry delays.
  • Fix an issue where the broadcasted platform could be ignored if all hosts for the platform are down.

How to update site installations

Sites should create a new environment for this release and manage parallel installations using the provided wrapper script.

How to update stand-alone installations

# First shut down running workflows:
cylc stop '*'

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'cylc-flow=8.3.4'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'cylc-flow==8.3.4'
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We have released cylc-flow 8.3.5 and cylc-uiserver 1.5.1

cylc-flow 8.3.5

This release contains several bugfixes including:

  • Fixed the “dictionary changed size during iteration error” which could occur with broadcasts.
  • Fixed a bug in cylc vr where an initial cycle point of now/next()/previous() would result in an error.
  • Fixed a bug where cylc trigger and cylc set would assign active flows to existing tasks by default.

Jupyter Hub users

We have discovered issues with Jupyter Hub not killing subprocesses when stopping servers. We have pushed a fix upstream into jupyterhub which is available as of version 5.2.0. In combination with cylc-uiserver 1.5.1, these upgrades will ensure that any subprocesses created by Jupyter Server (e.g. terminals, notebooks, etc) or Cylc UI Server (e.g. cylc cat-log commands) are properly killed when the server is stopped.

Sites that deploy Cylc via Jupyter Hub are encouraged to upgrade to cylc-uiserver 1.5.1 and JupyterHub 5.2.0 to pick up these fixes.

How to update site installations

Sites should create a new environment for this release and manage parallel installations using the provided wrapper script .

How to update stand-alone installations

# First shut down running workflows:
cylc stop '*'

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'cylc-flow=8.3.5' 'cylc-uiserver=1.5.1'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'cylc-flow==8.3.5' 'cylc-uiserver==1.5.1'

We have released cylc-flow 8.3.6 and cylc-rose 1.4.2

These bugfix release including:

  • The cylc vr command now correctly applies Rose options specified at installation when validating the workflow.
  • Fix issues where slow SSH connections could cause tasks to submit fail as the result of a single host outage where Cylc should have moved onto the next host for the platform instead.
  • Allow wallclock xtriggers to use a finer precision than the scheduler’s cycle point format.

How to update site installations

Sites should create a new environment for this release and manage parallel installations using the provided wrapper script .

How to update stand-alone installations

# First shut down running workflows:
cylc stop '*'

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'cylc-flow=8.3.6' 'cylc-rose=1.4.2'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'cylc-flow==8.3.6' 'cylc-rose==1.4.2'
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We have released metomi-rose 2.3.2

This fixes an issue where Rose functionalities could fail if git was not installed.

How to update site installations

Sites should create a new environment for this release and manage parallel installations using the provided wrapper script .

How to update stand-alone installations

# First shut down running workflows:
cylc stop '*'

# For Conda managed environments:
conda update 'metomi-rose=2.3.2'

# For Pip managed environments:
pip install 'metomi-rose==2.3.2'