Cylc 9 Timeline

After searching for ‘Cylc 9’ and not finding an answer,

I ask;

what is the Timeline for Cylc 9 Release?

We have lots of new features planned which will be added incrementally to Cylc 8. At the moment we don’t know what is likely to cause us to label a release “Cylc 9”. In the short term the priority is supporting the migration to Cylc 8 (dealing with any bug reports) and filling any gaps where Cylc 8 is missing features supported by Cylc 7.

If you want to know the timescales for a particular feature it’s unlikely we’ll be able to help you. New developers are always welcome!

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At the moment we don’t know what is likely to cause us to label a release “Cylc 9

Well, we do have several major features ear-marked for Cylc 9. But as @dpmatthews notes that’s not the priority right now, and it would be premature to commit to any timeline at this stage.

Cylc 8 has many massive improvements, both visible to users and under the hood, and it is more or less hot off the press right now with most users yet to migrate.

I’ll second that. Cylc is an Open Source software project. It is challenging and fun to work on. If you use Cylc, you should consider getting involved and/or encourage colleagues to do so!