Do actions from CLI on another persons workflows?


Looking at the help information, I can’t see how to do, for example, cylc show workflow //cylce/task on someone else’s workflow successfully. Nor, trigger, etc.

I thought doing cylc show '~other_user/workflow' //cycle/task would work, based on reading cylc help id, but it seems to not be supported? Based on the help, I thought it was as it says You can omit the user name when working on your own workflows. which implies that it should work.

$ cylc show '~user/suite' //20240117T1200Z/wait_000_gl
InputError: Operating on other users' workflows is not supported

I also tried trigger and it didn’t work, with the same error message. I had hoped at least to be able to do things like show which is just read access. Note also, that for the UI, it is configured that I have lots of access to this specific persons workflows.

NOTE: Using Cylc-8.2.3.

Hi @TomC,

cylc help id shows the universal ID format works in its full glory, but the CLI doesn’t take the top level user name component yet because it (the CLI) still goes direct to the target scheduler, which at Cylc 8 only accepts connections from the owner.

The UI Server (which runs as the owner) handles authorized access from other users. We intend to allow the CLI to go via the UI Server, like the GUI, but there’s still some work to do there because the outward-facing side of the UI Server is very web-techy (and the CLI is not).


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