How open 'rose edit' in rose 2?

hi there,

i’m now using cylc 8 and rose 2 in my climate modelling suites.

i want to open the rose edit gui as usual but i get this message…

> rose edit &
> The Rose configuration editor has been removed. 
The old Rose 2019 GUI remains compatible with Rose 2 configurations.

i need to use the new rose to allow fcm_make tasks to work in my workflows but of course i still need to use the rose gui.

how should i approach this?


ok i’ve worked it out, you have to open rosie go and then right-click and then Edit Suite. :smile:

Yes, like the old Cylc 7 desktop GUIs, rose edit is based on a now-obsolete Python 2 toolkit.

The Rose team is working on a new web UI to replace it.

In the meantime, as the message above says you can still edit Rose configs with the old Rose-2019 editor, or directly in your code editor.

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yeah that’s good although it wasn’t clear to me how you can use differently versioned aspects of rose/rosie at the same time.

we have it hard coded here now (thanks @hilary.j.oliver) but maybe other sites don’t…

> rosie --version
Rose 2019.01.3 (/scale_wlg_persistent/filesets/opt_nesi/[...]
> rose --version
rose 2.0.2

anyway, it’s working :partying_face:


Sorry about that, I can totally understand why.

The fact that you automatically get rosie 2019.01.3 even when you have Cylc 8 (and hence rose 2.0) in your environment, is down to some local installation jiggery-pokery with symlinks.

However, I think I still need to get the wrapper updated so you can fire up the old rose edit GUI from the command line rather than via rosie go.

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Sorry about that, I can totally understand why.

not a problem!

However, I think I still need to get the wrapper updated so you can fire up the old rose edit GUI from the command line rather than via rosie go .

sounds good, thanks!