Will meta-URL be visible in the web GUI?

In Cylc 7, we used meta-description to include baseline troubleshooting steps on every task. This was accessible both via command line (cylc show) and in the GUI. The current Cylc 8 web interface doesn’t appear to have any mechanism to show the meta-description or to provide the meta-URL link.

Will that be added soon? Is it already there and I’m just not seeing it?

Yes, we plan to do that, and the Cylc 8 UI will be far more capable in this respect than the old one.

Relatively easy, but it hasn’t risen to a top priority quite yet. Might be a good one for someone at your site to help out with? :grin:

Relatively easy for the existing Cylc devs sure… I’m looking at it and I see I have a lot to catch up on with webdev… SCSS refresher, Vue, GraphQL, tests, your APIs and potentially Tornado… The documentation on the cylc-ui repo is excellent though, so that will help.

There’s a bit of a learning curve, but once you’ve got a template that works it’s relativity easy to hack around with the HTML/JS/CSS to get what you want out of it. You don’t need expertise in all the technologies used.

If you’re interested in taking a look, I can provide a template with the cylc-ui boiler-plate filled in. It would need a query and some HTML/CSS/JS for selecting the task to view and presenting the returned data.

To work out the query, start a workflow, launch the GUI and open the “GraphiQL” explorer (from the sidebar). From here you can have a poke around the schema to find out what data is available. I expect you’ll want a query something like this to get the required data:

workflows {
    taskProxies {
        task {
            meta {

The cylc-ui boilerplate wasn’t especially obvious for this view (somewhat different to the others).

Added a template view here with all the cylc-ui boilerplate sorted:

Needs HTML/CSS/JS/Tests filling in.


Awesome. Thanks! It was indeed very easy to get going. Just needed the code and Yarn to spin up the dummy instance. Very nice!