Cylc 8.0rc3 Released

We are pleased to announce the third release candidate for Cylc 8, suitable for early adopters and acceptance testing.


Please post questions on migration from Cylc 7 (and Rose 2019) to Cylc 8, or related topics, in the Cylc 8 Migration category on this forum.

Future Releases

Cylc 8.0rc3 will likely be followed by several further release candidates, in which we will attempt to address feedback and fix any issues reported. We will continue to develop new Cylc features after the official 8.0.0 release.

The web-based GUI (cylc-ui) will see a steady trickle of features in the following release candidates and beyond into future Cylc 8 releases. The familiar Cylc 7 “dot” and “graph” views will arrive in a future Cylc 8 release along with static graph visualisation, multi-selection and other improvements.

Beta Users

Workflows run with earlier beta versions before Cylc 8.0rc1 cannot be restarted due to a database change.

The Cylc UI Server configuration file path has changed from ~/.cylc/hub/ to ~/.cylc/uiserver/ The same for the site-config where hub has been replaced by uiserver.

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To follow up on this: a patch for the UI Server has been released on PyPI and conda-forge: 1.0.3

This includes a bugfix for the UI where the workflow command menu could show the wrong workflow.

Cylc UI Server changelog

To follow up on this: a patch for the UI Server has been released on PyPI and conda-forge: 1.0.3

To update the component in an existing cyc-8.0rc3 environment, simply activate the environment and do this:

conda install cylc-uiserver=1.0.3