Cylc 8 custom colour themes

I’m trying to insert a custom color theme for the Cylc 8 GUI and from what I’ve read with Jupyter I just have to create $HOME/.jupyter/custom/custom.css and it should just get picked up but I’m having no luck.

I also tried explicitly setting JUPYTER_CONFIG_DIR=$HOME/.jupyter and my custom.css is still ignored.

This is all on the suite host where I’m launching the UI from.

Any tips?


I think you’ve found documentation for custom CSS in Jupyter notebooks? Cylc UI is an entirely different application. As far as I’m aware there’s no easy way to do that, short of hacking the minified css files in the built UI distribution.

What do you mean by “custom color theme”? The UI settings page provides a choice of several task state color themes. Or do you want to change the styling of other UI elements?

I was hoping to override one of the existing state color themes. If it’s not as easy as placing some CSS in a conf dir, then I won’t worry much about it.

Roger that. We considered making the task state color theme easily configurable - beyond the necessary color-blindness support - but it can be difficult to quickly diagnose problems in the UI if everyone uses different colors to represent the same states.