Thanks, it’s encouraging to hear people excited for the new UI.
On the database side, perhaps bump this to another thread to avoid sidetracking the GUI discussion but quickly…
I’m curious as to why you are querying the DBs of multiple suites. Are you trying to gather stats for multiple workflows to create a “total system” Cylc GUI? If so it would be great to capture these requirements for Cylc UI development. This sort of usage may intercept with some of our plans.
- Cylc provides event “hooks” for suites (e.g. startup, shutdown) and tasks (e.g. started, failed). Some use these hooks to drive end-to-end monitoring, I would have thought this would be the best solution (push vs pull).
- Alternatively the Cylc UI Server in the new architecture may provide a good DB proxy for your usage. The query language is GraphQL rather than SQL, through the UI Server you could write requests which gather data from multiple suites.