Cylc 8.0b0 beta release - testers needed!

Hi all,

It’s been a long time coming, but the first Cylc 8 beta release is now available, and it’s a very big update on last year’s alpha release.

For an overview of Cylc 8 see What’s New in Cylc 8.0b0? in the new User Guide. This documentation will be updated and extended frequently in the coming weeks.

At this point we’d like to encourage testing by users,

  • to get you up to speed, and
  • to help us find problems and get the new system production-ready as soon as possible

We expect to be making frequent beta update releases from this point on, until 8.0.0 is out.

You can very easily install the complete working Cylc 8 system, including the web UI, into a conda environment on your own Linux box or VM:

$ conda create -n cylc8
$ conda activate cylc8
(cylc8)$ conda install -c conda-forge cylc
(cylc8)$ cylc --version

If you need to test Cylc 8 on your multi-user HPC with remote job hosts and Cylc 7 already present, deployment and configuration is a little more involved and you’ll have to bear with us as we document how to do that.

Please post questions or comments to this forum!

Hilary (and the Cylc team!)

P.S. note the cylc conda package is currently just a pure metapackage; conda install cylc is equivalent to conda install cylc-flow cylc-uiserver cylc-ui